
The Benefits of Switching to LED Lights

Jan 26, 2023

What Are the Advantages of LED Lights?

You may have heard by now that California has banned CFL light bulbs. You’ve likely also heard that LED bulbs are the go-to replacement for those mercury-laden castoffs. But what do you really know about the anatomy of LEDs? And how can it be that replacing your home’s or business’s bulbs with LEDs can lead to financial savings? After all, you’ve seen how much money LED lights cost on retail shelves — so why is LED better than bulb alternatives that have been around for ages?

TCP Lighting has been driving LED innovation in the U.S. for over 20 years. We’re committed to illuminating the benefits of LED lighting, both in terms of environmental impact and the impact on your bottom line.

Read on for insight into how switching to LED lights can bring you financial benefits while lighting up the comfort and versatility of your home or work life.

How LED Lights Can Save You Money

To understand the full spectrum of benefits of LED lighting, it’s important to consider both the short- and long-term costs of illumination. We developed our LED ROI Calculator to help you see how things like bulb wattage, usage and quantity combine for long-term savings. Whether you’re replacing a handful of bulbs at home or thousands of bulbs at work, the benefits of LED lights add up quickly.

Here are some of the ways switching to LED lights can save you money:

Reduce Heating & Cooling Bills

Switching to energy-efficient LED lighting will help lower your heating and cooling bills. That’s because LEDs generate very little heat as compared to incandescent and other bulbs while producing just as much or more brightness. By consuming up to 90% less energy than other bulbs, LED lights deliver superior illumination without the electricity meter going crazy. The savings you’ll see on utility bills will make up for the initial costs of buying new bulbs in no time.

Use in Current Fixtures

One of our favorite benefits of LED light bulbs is that you can use them in nearly any type of fixture. That means whatever lighting aesthetics you prefer — from rustic to mid century modern to clean and contemporary — you don’t need to purchase special fixtures to use with LEDs. There are LED bulbs available for table and floor lamps, wall sconces, outdoor floodlights, flat panels, recessed lighting systems and more. Keeping your current fixtures saves a ton of money.

Replace Bulbs Less Often

The next time you buy LED lights, read the light bulb box and take note of the projected lifespan. Most LEDs remain usefully bright for around 20 years. You read that right — LED lights can last 20 years or more! To compare, incandescent bulbs typically expire within one year. Plus, because they don’t have a filament, LED light bulbs don’t “burn out” the way incandescents do. Rather, they’ll slowly fade over time. This impressive lifespan means fewer replacements, which means less cash outlay on the regular, which figures into how much money LED lights save in the long run.

Be Kinder to the Planet

Green is the new black — and a big reason why an LED is better than bulb options like incandescents is its eco-friendliness. TCP continues to be green by pushing the innovation envelope with LED lighting solutions that are Dark Sky compliant. All the little steps each of us undertakes every day — like recycling plastic, carpooling and switching to LED lights — add up to a big impact on our finite natural resources. And that, in turn, saves money and strife for all of us.

Change Ambiance Without Changing Bulbs

Want to brighten your mood or showcase your brand while still saving money? Check out our ColorFlip multicolor LED lights. These beauties deliver two color temperatures in one eco-friendly bulb, so you can transform a room’s ambience with the flip of a switch. Go from a cool and bright light during the day to a warmer feel for after-hours relaxation. Or flip from neutral lighting to festive red, green or blue lights without ever changing the bulb! Getting twice the lighting options automatically doubles the benefits of LED light bulbs like these.

Get Tax Incentives for Switching to LEDs

If the savings on utility bills, longer-lasting bulbs and energy efficiency haven’t convinced you of the benefits of LED lights, perhaps EPAct179 will. Made permanent in 2020, this legislation offers tax deductions for businesses that improve the energy efficiency of their existing building or new construction. It’s retroactive to 2006, so you can still reap the benefits of LED lighting upgrades you made since then. Sustainability is one of the hottest trends in commercial lighting, making this the perfect time to explore the benefits of LED lighting vs. fluorescent tubes for the health of both your employees and your budget.

Save Money With TCP

Ready to see how switching to LED lights can save money in your business or home? TCP is here to guide you to the perfect LED lighting solutions for you. Contact us today to light up the money-saving possibilities.

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