is LED by TCP
We manufacture and distribute innovative commercial lighting products – plus offer decades of lighting design experience.
TCP recommends these proven tools and resources for you to maximize your budget and optimize efficiency.
The Latest From TCP
How Wall Colors Are Impacted by Color-Changing Lights
We all know the disappointment: You carefully select the perfect paint color from samples at the store, but it looks completely different on your walls at home. What happens between the purchase and the painting? Does the paint color somehow change after you leave the...
Everything You Need to Know about LED Retrofit Kits
Feeling confused about LED lighting retrofits? Not sure whether to go with retrofitting LED lights or opt for a total lighting redesign? Need an explanation of what, exactly, a retrofit LED kit is? The light-obsessed experts at TCP get it. The recent incandescent...
Types of Horticulture Lighting Offered by TCP Lighting
Want bigger, bushier, healthier plants at home? Looking for something more energy efficient to replace the outdated metal halide, high-pressure sodium or fluorescent tube grow light you’ve been using? TCP has your back! Our high-efficiency horticulture LED grow lights...