
TCP to Shine the Light on GU24 Technology with Webinar on April 14

by | Mar 24, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Webinar to offer insight on hospitality trends, compliancy and generating ROI

AURORA, Ohio (March 24, 2016) – Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), a leader in designing, developing and delivering energy efficient lighting to various markets, is offering a webinar for those in hospitality wanting to know more about trends, compliancy and generating return on investment (ROI). The webinar will be on April 14 at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The GU24 lamp has many benefits, including aesthetics. This is especially true for those in the hospitality market. The GU24 lamp is longer from its bi-pin and twist-lock connectors, so it’s not always a fit for all fixtures. The webinar will address the look and feel of a hotel by assessing lamp choices for fixtures.

Sharon Gallagher, senior channel manager at TCP Lighting, will talk about trends in hospitality with LED technology, in particular to hotel guest expectations. She will talk about how to meet industry standards with GU24s, along with how the LED GU24 can impact ROI for hotels.

“We believe lighting is more than filling a socket. Great lighting creates an experience in your facility,” Gallagher said. “Lighting makes an impact on the type of experience you want to create with hotel guests. That’s why it’s important to incorporate a LED GU24 lamp, because it’s designed to meet the needs of your application.”

Sign up for TCP’s webinar to learn more about meeting the needs of your hotel lighting system with GU24 lamps. The webinar will follow up with a free copy of their white paper on the subject.

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