
TCP LED High Bay Luminaire Named Product of the Year

by | Feb 4, 2015 | News | 0 comments

An energy saving LED solution to replace existing HID and fluorescent fixtures

Aurora, Ohio – February 4, 2015 –– Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), leaders in energy-efficient lighting, was recently named a Product of the Year 2014 award winner in the lighting category by Plant Engineering magazine for its LED High Bay Luminaire.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for our LED Luminaire products,” said Paul Phillips, TCP Director of Product Management. “Our LED High Bay Luminaires combine TCP’s superior driver technology with best-in class LED chips and high end diffusion in a rugged steel housing that provides customers with high quality and efficiency.”

Plant Engineering awards Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies in each category that will be announced in the April issue of Plant Engineering magazine and online at www.plantengineering.com on March 24th.

The LED High Bay is available with a 12,000 lumen package and either a 4,100 Kelvin or 5,000 Kelvin color temperature that may provide up to 56 percent energy saving over traditional metal halide or fluorescent fixtures. Designed for mounting heights from 20 feet to 40 feet and with 50,000 hours average rated life, TCP’s LED High Bay is the ideal choice for commercial applications including warehouse and manufacturing facilities.

For more information about the LED High Bay, please visit TCP’s website, www.tcpi.com.

About TCP:
Founded in 1993 with its North America headquarters in Aurora, Ohio, Technical Consumer Products, Inc., a subsidiary of TCP International Holdings, Ltd. (NYSE: TCPI), is a leader in energy efficient lighting innovations. TCP’s extensive product offerings include LED lamps and fixtures, compact fluorescent lamps, energy efficient halogen lamps, exit and emergency lighting, decorative and outdoor fixtures, ballasts and fixtures, and linear lamps. 

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