Captain Voltage and the TCP Task Force

The TCP Task Force Vs. Argon Bond

Jun 1, 2017

Sometimes it’s all about the aesthetics, and incandescent, filament hunk Argon Bond seemed to have it all. Then the Franchise Development Manager saw how much money in energy bills he was costing her and she was no longer charmed by his looks. He was costing her restaurants too much money in energy bills. He had to go.
The TCP Task Force wasn’t as easily mesmerized by Bond’s good looks and saw right through him. They had the perfect product in mind to keep the right look and feel of the restaurant without sacrificing energy efficiency. TCP had just developed a new LED filament lamp to mimic the old incandescent bulbs, but with the energy-saving qualities of LEDs.
Bond’s charm had run out and there was a new filament in town. The restaurants were able to keep product consistency and become a more energy-efficient company. And thanks to the incandescent-feel of the LED filaments, she was able to keep the same look and feel in all of the restaurants.

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