
Plug-in (PL) LED Lights For Retrofit, Replacement of CFL Lighting

Jul 30, 2018

Plug-in (PL) LED Lights – the Energy Efficient Alternative to Fluorescent Lighting

Is it important for you to save money by choosing energy-efficient and long-lasting lighting? Then the time is perfect for you to replace fluorescent lighting with easy Plug-in (PL) LED Lights. LED lasts much longer helping you save money on energy and maintenance cost

How is PL LED Lighting More Efficient

By using about half the energy of  fluorescent lighting, LED offers great savings. That is especially true when used to aim light in a specific direction. Also, LED lighting performs consistently without burning out or dimming for longer, uninterrupted periods of time, making it an ideal solution for applications such as warehouse lighting. So whether you’re lighting a workshop or looking for dimmable lighting in rooms that require a certain mood – LED lighting is a more energy-efficient solution.


Which Lighting is Best for Rapid Cycling?

Rapid cycling – turning the light on and off frequently – shortens the life of fluorescent lighting. When these lights are frequently turned off and on, these traditional modes of lighting have an even briefer lifespan. LED are unaffected by frequent turning on and off – which makes LED lights the smart choice for use with sensor lighting and other applications where rapid cycling occurs.

What Is the True Cost of LED Lighting?

When LED lighting was first introduced, the bulbs were very expensive and mostly used in highly professional laboratory equipment. In the past decades, that has all changed. According to USA Today, LED bulb prices have dropped in price by 85% in recent decades. While the individual prices for LED luminaires are on average slightly higher than traditional lighting, the product longevity and energy-efficiency gives a true cost advantage to LED lighting. Choosing LED for your replacement lighting has never been more affordable and smarter.


What are Some Additional Benefits to PL LED?

Flexible Usage: LED lighting is more versatile in wider temperature ranges. Ever notice how fluorescent lighting performs erratically in cold temperatures? Not so with LED lighting, which performs better in the cold, whether in freezers, refrigerated display cases, and outdoors on signs, in parking lots and around buildings.

Resistant to Breaking: LEDs are more resistant to breaking than traditional lighting, which is housed in quartz or glass.

Lasts Longer: The good news for consumers who choose LED? Good LED lighting lasts 30,000–50,000 hours or even longer. The typical incandescent bulb lasts only about 1,000 hours and the average fluorescent lasts 8,000 to 10,000 hours. In other words, LED bulbs last at least 10 years, if not longer, while incandescent and halogen bulbs last on average only one year.

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