Office Lighting

At the Office: Work by Candlelight

Jun 1, 2017

Jim, the finance director, was going through the office’s monthly report and noticed how much they were spending on lighting. They could be using that money for more useful things, such as office birthday parties. He decided it was time to inform his boss.

Mitchell Watt, regional branch manager of Benedict Dimbulb, listened to Jim and agreed that something needed to be done. He called D. Light Shrewd into his office and together, they devised a plan to surprise the office with a whole new lighting upgrade.

Five o’clock hit and the office emptied. But then, Mitchell and D. Light came out from the janitor’s closet; dressed in all black with ski masks on, ready to transform the office. They started by removing the existing light bulbs and fluorescent tubes in the office and threw them out the window into the dumpster (some missed and landed in the parking lot).

They opened Mitchell’s door to his office and started unpacking cases of scented candles and placed them on all the desks, filing cabinets and the copier. They lit them to make sure it was enough light and D. Light whipped out his light meter. According to the meter, they weren’t meeting the proper foot-candle recommendation, so they put candles all over the floor and figured that’s what the meter meant. They blew the candles out, pitched a tent in the lunchroom and stayed the night in the office so they could light the candles in the morning before everyone arrived.

The receptionist, Paige Peachy, came in first and tried to act positive. “Oh, um this looks great! Fantastic idea Mitchell! We are going to save tons of money on energy bills now!”

The rest of the employees arrived and were very displeased with the new lighting upgrade. Mitchell felt that his efforts weren’t appreciated enough and he shut himself in his office for the rest of the day.

Human resources manager Cody Johnson walked into Mitchell’s office and expressed that the candles were a fire hazard and it wasn’t enough light for the employees to work efficiently. He proposed installing energy efficient LED lighting. They provide the perfect amount of light with energy-saving benefits. “When designed properly, an LED circuit can operate at about 80% efficiency – meaning, 80% of electrical energy used is converted into light” explained Cody. “To put it into perspective, Mitchell, the lighting we had [before the scented candles] operated at about 20% efficiency.” Mitchell decided Cody had a point and agreed to install LEDs, and then apologized for potentially burning down the building.

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