Office Lighting

At the Office: Sunbathing on the Roof

Jun 1, 2017

It was January and Mitchell had been feeling down in the dumps and started doing some research to figure out what was causing him to be so depressed. He came across Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is caused by not being exposed to enough light during the day, and is more prominent during the winter months.

He decided to implement a new office rule: every employee was to spend one hour a day, from November through March, in the “SAD office” located on the roof. To heighten office moral, he wanted to make sure everyone was getting enough sunlight during the day to reduce the risk of the “winter blues.”

Mitchell and D. Light got to work right away and moved an extra desk to the roof and ran an extension cord through a window so the employees could still use a phone and computer.

Cody was sick the day the rule was created, and came in the next day wondering why employees were disappearing for an hour at a time throughout the day, and return covered in snow. He looked out his window and saw an extension cord dangling from what seemed to be the roof.

Considering Mitchell’s track record with “unique” ideas, he decided to investigate. Cody got up to the roof and saw Paige sitting there answering the phone shivering while wearing a hat, winter coat and gloves. He told her to go back inside immediately and get warm.

Once again, Cody walked into Mitchell’s office with the look of disappointment. He explained to Mitchell that having employees work on the roof in January is a huge liability and instructed Mitchell to revoke the rule and have professionals remove the desk from the roof.

As a solution, Cody suggested installing photo sensors by the windows. These photo sensors measure the amount of natural light coming in from the windows, and adjust the artificial lighting to maintain optimal light levels. After installed, the Benedict Dimbulb employees were the happiest they had ever been thanks to the photo sensors and the retirement of the “SAD office.”

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