Large industrial lighting hanging above desks

Direct Troffers – Should You Retrofit or Replace?

Jan 24, 2020

You’ve decided the time has come to upgrade the direct troffer lighting in your facility to LED. But exactly what are your options?

Simply put, you have two choices.  You can either:

1). Retrofit; or

2). Do a complete replacement of all fixtures.

If you are looking to save money, retrofitting may be the answer.  LED retrofit kits are an inexpensive alternative to complete replacement giving you all the benefits that LED lighting offers.

If you are looking into considering that option, an important thing to think about is whether you will be eligible for higher utility rebates with a retrofit or with entirely new fixtures.

TCP can help you maximize your rebate.

Other questions to consider before making a final decision:

  • In what condition are your current lighting fixtures?
  • Are you happy with the “look” of your existing lighting fixtures?
  • Do your current fixtures offer you a sufficient amount of light?

Complete replacement may be your upgrade solution if you answered “No” to any of these questions. New fixtures can provide energy savings and increase the overall amount of light in your facility.

TCP’s Direct Troffer products also can offer you some additional benefits. Among them:

  • Durability of Shipping

TCP Back-Lit Direct Troffers are durable and easy to ship.  They are less likely to be damaged in transit than Edge-Lit versions.

  • Direct versus Diffused Light

Edge-Lit panels aim light inward first, with light then being refracted downward. Back-lit troffers provide for a more evenly lit surface because the light only has to travel downward.

  • Less Glare

Both Back-Lit and Edge-Lit panels have diffused light. Because there are not “hot spots” that you would get from a traditional fluorescent lamp, Back-Lit troffers offer the user a more pleasant lighting experience. Some liken them to skylights in appearance.

Translation – little to no glare.

LED troffers are available from TCP in conventional configurations that range from basic lensed units to volumetric style to architectural grade fixtures featuring indirect distribution.

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