edison light chandelier

Energy Efficient Edison Bulbs

Dec 21, 2018

Traditional Edison bulbs work the same way as any incandescent light bulb. Their look, however, is distinct.

In your average incandescent light bulb, the filament design is tightly and uniformly coiled. Edison style light bulbs are designed with loose and squiggly tungsten filaments for a unique, vintage effect.

However, those traditional light bulbs have their drawbacks. They burn out quickly, they are easily breakable, they run “hot” and they require a lot of electricity to light.

Choosing LED bulbs with exposed filaments lets you have it all: the vintage flair of an classic bulb, and the function and efficiency of a modern LED.

How Did It All Begin?

Before Thomas Edison invented the filament bulb, the only light bulbs that existed were too expensive, for even the wealthiest people during that time. Plus, they only lasted for a few hours.

In the late 1870s, Edison changed the lighting game when he invented a practical electric light. After testing different filament materials like flax, cedar, and hickory, he settled on bamboo. The new light lasted 1,200 hours.

With Edison’s light bulb on the market, homeowners did not have to worry about inhaling soot from oil lamps or hazardous open candle flames.

We’ve come a long way since then. Electric lighting is no longer a luxury—and lights no longer serve a strictly practical use.

With their return in popularity, modern lighting fixtures are being designed with vintage light bulbs in mind. You’ve probably seen these bulbs setting a cozy mood in restaurants, bars, boutiques and coffee shops. Edison bulbs are being featured heavily in home decor blogs, magazines, and home tours.

And with new LED Edison lights, the trend is both striking and energy efficient!

Best Ways to Use Edison Bulbs

These lights offer an old-school touch. Their dim, cozy glow adds softness to the straight, clean, and sometimes harsh feeling of modern decor.

Each room of the home gives you a new opportunity to bridge the old and the new using Edison light bulbs.


Vintage bulbs can feel absolutely modern when paired with the right fixture—or no fixture at all.

A globe bulb shape is perfect for hanging from a neutral cord. Try hanging one next to your bed to create a minimal and warm pendant lamp.

Quick tip: Be sure you measure your ceiling so the bulb hangs at a perfect height for you to reach once your bedtime reading has lulled you to sleep. That said, careful not to hang it so low that you knock into it when you hop out of bed in the morning, either.

This idea for using Edison bulbs is perfect for the bedroom. While it shouldn’t be the only source of light in your bedroom, it is perfect for a low nighttime glow. Since the bulbs emit warm, ambient light, it will help you wind down for bed after any long day.


Good kitchen lighting is especially important since the preparation of food requires plenty of light. For a balanced, well-designed kitchen, it is crucial to consider all three elements of lighting: ambient, accent, and task.

Filament light bulbs are perfect options to fulfill your kitchen’s need for ambient lighting.

One option for Edison lights in the kitchen is to hang them from single wires in place of traditional pendant lights. This looks great above a kitchen island or breakfast bar. Unlike typical pendant lights, clear bulbs provide trendy flair without obstructing your line of vision.

The oblong shape of these filament bulbs from TCP would be especially effective as pendant lights.


Vintage style light bulbs are a perfect choice for dining room lighting since this room calls for ambient, warm lighting.

The wide variety of filament bulb shapes available from TCP makes it easy to achieve the look you want for your dining room.

If you want to switch to vintage lighting in your dining room chandelier, a cluster of smaller bulbs will dazzle guests. Great chandelier fixture materials to pair with vintage style lights include reclaimed wood, wire, and wrought iron.

For an eclectic dining room, try hanging an assortment of different bulb shapes above your table in a cluster. Tube lights will contrast any rounder bulbs you might choose. By varying the height of your bulbs, as well as the shapes, you can create a centerpiece for your entire room.

If you’re looking for a more symmetrical, organized design, hanging identical bulbs in a neat line across the table can create a striking statement, too.


If you want to add some old Hollywood glamour to your bathroom, turn your bathroom mirror into a vanity with vintage style light bulbs. Bathroom vanities always feature exposed bulbs, but choosing Edison bulbs adds an extra, unexpected design layer.

Their flattering color temperature is great for getting ready in the master bathroom. Make guests smile by adding them as accent lights in a half bath.

Choose TCP’s LED filament bulbs to add intrigue and style to your bathroom without sacrificing energy efficiency.


Hallways can be so overlooked! Let them lead you from room to room with warm, welcoming lights.

Sconces, especially recessed into the wall, feel regal yet laid-back when fitted with an Edison bulb. Match the metal tone with the other tones in your home to ensure continuity as you move between rooms.

Controversy with Edison Lights

Not everyone is onboard with the exposed bulb trend. Their warm ambiance and vintage feel can come at a cost.

Lighting experts warn restaurant and bar owners against the energy costs of the antique Edison bulbs. They call the lights inefficient and dim—not great for a bulb that can use up to three times the energy of a standard incandescent.

Sound like bad news? We agree. That’s why we make energy-efficient LED filament light bulbs. They keep energy costs low, the environment happy, and your style on-trend. LED Edison light bulbs can shine as a stylish centerpiece in any room.

And if you grow tired of the vintage look or update your home’s decor, simply remove the bulb from its fixture and replace it to fit your new design vision. Go ahead—shop fearlessly.

TCP offers a total, end-to-end commercial solution.

TCP understands sourcing and installing the right commercial lighting from start to finish. That’s why, from the first design consultation to the post-project follow-up, we’re there, offering our expertise, helping you capitalize on efficiency rebates, and ensuring your commercial lighting project turns on.

But seeing is believing. That’s why we’re offering free samples of any of our lights. That’s right — we’re so sure we’re the right solution for your commercial lighting needs, we’ll give you lights so you can see how good TCP is for yourself.

Just tell us about your lighting application and we’ll send you free sample products to test. No strings attached.

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