industrial wide hanging lights

The Most Popular 2019 Home Lighting Trends

Dec 19, 2018

If you’re looking to make a New Year’s resolution with your interior design at home, lighting is a great place to start.

Kitchen lighting trends in 2018 brought us familiar hanging pendants in muted tones. Dining room lighting trends saw cozy hygge and farmhouse style chandeliers.

We loved these trends while they were here, but maybe you’re ready for a change of pace.

For lighting inspiration, look no further—we’ve gathered five lighting trends for 2019 that are sure to set the perfect mood for your new year.

1. The New Mid Century Modern

Ask an interior designer for their go-to historic style, and they’ll probably say mid-century modern. Design blogs and magazines can’t get enough of this interior design trend.

But look out—2019 will ask this fan favorite to step aside and make room for Art Deco.

The 1920’s and ‘30’s Art Deco period was one of the most glamorous and lavish periods in history. Unlike the clean, minimal lines of mid-century modern decor, you’ll notice intricate details on Art Deco tables and chairs. Mixed metals are not just allowed, but celebrated.

Art Deco furniture features sculptural lines, whether they are curving or geometric. Patterned pieces, like rugs, wallpaper, and upholstery, echo iconic geometric designs from the Art Deco period.

Wood tones will be similar to mid-century modern: rich, grainy, and true to their natural color. This upcoming trend will contrast the whitewashed wood trends so popular with 2018’s Farmhouse trend.

Another important quality of Art Deco pieces is their ability to stand alone in a room. You don’t have to commit to an entire Art Deco living room to enjoy the luxury of one or two elements. They work wonderfully as an accent and focal pieces.

Lighting: Art Deco

If you’re considering adding some Art Deco flair, investing in lighting is a wise choice.

Overhead Art Deco fixtures will draw the eye and add a unique focal point to any room. At eye level, the right bulb will give your conversation a warm, ambient glow fit for the luxurious time period.

TCP’s round filament bulbs will channel this period’s love of robust, organic lines. Display them, exposed, in an ornate chandelier or a metallic table lamp.

2. Natural Materials

Wicker and woven grasses have been popular interior design trends for a long time, but don’t expect them to disappear in 2019.

We’ve seen natural fibers in the forms of baskets, placemats, and decorative wall hangings. Including these natural materials in your home decor brings a breath of fresh air to your space.

Popular natural materials include:

  • Wicker
  • Bamboo
  • Wood
  • Cork
  • Clay


Lighting: Natural Materials

So how does this all translate to home lighting trends? One of the simplest ways to incorporate natural elements into your lighting design is through natural lampshades.

Coupled with a warm light bulb from TCP, the right linen or bamboo shade can make a living room or bedroom feel welcoming, light and breezy.

Ready to really commit to the natural look? Consider a wood chandelier above the dining room table. A wooden chandelier peppered with TCP’s small filament bulbs will make dinner guests feel cozy and comfortable.

3. Industrial Minimalism

When you hear the word “industrial,” what do you think? Does it bring to mind thoughts of cold, unfeeling, concrete floors and walls? Unflattering factory lighting?

Next year’s version of the industrial trend will be anything but cold or unflattering.

You can expect to see warm tones and soft, muted fabrics contrasted with traditional industrial materials like concrete and brick. Think concrete kitchen countertops lit by warm, soft pendant lights.

Industrial minimalism fits perfectly with modern style and its love for clean lines. Minimalism will continue to trend in 2019, so adding industrial elements to this existing trend will keep your space ahead of the curve.

You will mostly see natural, gentle colors in industrial spaces. Matte finishes are on trend and modern, but remain unfussy and functional looking.

Keep an eye out for rich, sleek metals. As this trend grows, a wider variety of tones will become available.

Lighting: Industrial Minimalism

Older lighting fixtures often mean intricate patterns and metalwork, which is not ideal for modern versions of industrial style.

To stick with a more modern look, focus on fixtures with simple, linear designs. While the style is definitely pleasing to the eye, the goal is to choose functional looking items over decorated, fancy ones.

For industrial spaces, floor lamps do best when uncrowded by other furniture items. Table and desk lamps should stand alone as statement pieces as well. Make sure each feature has room to breathe for a simple and bold appearance.

For hanging lighting, opt for fixtures that spread across the width of your room, instead of dropping low into the space. Add exposed bulbs with visible filaments for a feeling that is especially industrial.

LED lights and indirect lighting are another great way to incorporate industrial minimalism into your indoor lighting design.

Try tucking lights beneath a kitchen counter or behind a mirror. Flooding broad areas with light keep your space feeling soothing and calm without adding too many visible fixtures.

4. Black and White

In a sea of soft tans and greys, let black create drama and help your space stand out. When paired with lighter whites and neutrals, black invites depth and even warmth to any room.

Don’t believe the myth that black makes rooms feel smaller. Placed thoughtfully, black commands attention and is excellent for guiding the eye around a room.

We’ll see high contrast designs across the realms of fashion, beauty, and home design in 2019. White kitchens were trendy for a long time, but they may be put on hold next year.

Instead, we’ll see tuxedo kitchens, where the floor cabinets and upper wall cabinets are different colors. This style is an exciting alternative for the new year. Black and white tuxedo kitchens are especially successful for creating a bold statement.

Lighting: Black and White

As for home lighting trends, high contrast style can be very effective.

First, consider your space. Is it mostly light? Choose a dark fixture to create the most drama. Mostly dark? Let a lightly colored fixture pop against the background.

The right bulb can help your lighting mirror the drama in a high contrast space. Highly concentrated lights, like spotlights or TCP’s downlights, can emphasize specific features of your room, like a painting or accent chair.

5. Sculptural Lighting Elements

While the goal of good lighting is to set the mood for any given room, that doesn’t mean the fixture itself has to fade into the background.

2019 will see bigger, bolder, more sculptural lamps and pendants take center stage as major points of interest.

Sculptural lighting fixtures are available in many forms, including chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, and floor lamps. Unique designs, colors, and materials transform lighting into something more than just a household function.

You can find sculptural lighting elements to fit any existing room style. Whether you want flowing, ornate shapes or simple spheres, there is an option for you.

Minimalists will love this trend because it allows you to cut back on tabletop items. You no longer have to choose between something decorative and something functional.

This trend can also work for anyone who shies away from minimalism and prefers an eclectic, energetic style, too.

Every fixture is an opportunity to add a new, quirky element to your space. If your space is full of treasures, your lighting should not have to be an exception.

The larger and more sculptural a lighting fixture, the more important it is to take care when choosing a location. A large sculptural lighting fixture can act as a focal point for a room, or even an entire home. Their bold designs will command most of the attention in a room.

For the strongest effect, place sculptural lighting fixtures in a central location. Then, you can unify the space with smaller lighting elements around the room.

Large, unique pendant lighting fixtures can be hung over an island in the kitchen for an unexpected look. They can also take the place of a traditional chandelier over a dining room table.

If you’ve got high ceilings or a large space to work with, take advantage of that square footage. Hang a large, eye-catching chandelier from the ceiling.

Don’t be afraid of color, either. Drawing accent colors up from the room will unify the space from top to bottom.

Choosing Light Bulbs for Sculptural Fixtures

For a sculptural light fixture, the best bulb options are ones that allow the fixture to do the talking. In this case, you want the bulb to go unnoticed so the eye is drawn only to the artistic qualities of the fixture.

A good bulb will also highlight the features and colors of the fixture with a complimentary tone of light.

TCP offers a variety of bulbs, so no matter the unique qualities of your new functional work of art, we’ll make sure it is beautifully lit.

TCP offers a total, end-to-end commercial solution.

TCP understands sourcing and installing the right commercial lighting from start to finish. That’s why, from the first design consultation to the post-project follow-up, we’re there, offering our expertise, helping you capitalize on efficiency rebates, and ensuring your commercial lighting project turns on.

But seeing is believing. That’s why we’re offering free samples of any of our lights. That’s right — we’re so sure we’re the right solution for your commercial lighting needs, we’ll give you lights so you can see how good TCP is for yourself.

Just tell us about your lighting application and we’ll send you free sample products to test. No strings attached.

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