Hotel Room Lighting Tips

Dec 17, 2021

Since hotels have a wide variety of different spaces, from common areas to private rooms, there are varied lighting needs throughout the building that must be accommodated in order to ensure a positive experience for your guests and staff. If you’re trying to light your hotel, you want light that’s efficient, functional, and aesthetically pleasing — it can be hard to find something that meets all three. Trust TCP for expert advice on how to light your hotel’s lobbies, conference rooms, hallways, and more.

Hotel Room Lighting Tips

Be Practical

Hotel lighting should be functional before anything else. Your guests won’t want to walk through dimly lit hallways or try to read a menu in the dark. On the other hand, no one wants to deal with the annoyance of overly bright lights. Balance is key! Choose soft disk lighting for the main area, as that will diffuse the light and make it not too harsh. If you have menus or art that you want to highlight, use accent spotlights to ensure they are in full view.

Keep in mind that different rooms will have different needs for lighting functionality. Ambient lighting, for instance, is used as a base layer to light any room. From there, the function of your room or space really matters when choosing a lighting style. Task lighting, which will be used around desks, kitchens, reading chairs, conference rooms, and the like, is essential in any room where work is being done to minimize glare and shadows. To achieve proper task lighting, desk lamps, table lamps, or under-cabinet lighting are all proper choices. 

Accent lighting, on the other hand, completes the ambiance of a room — it can be used as a focal point to highlight the art and other design elements in your space. To show off these unique features, consider using spotlights, recessed lighting, and wall sconces, for example.

Take a look at this article from TCP for more information on lighting design and layering.

Use Quality & Energy-Efficient Lighting

As a business owner, you’re likely looking for ways to reduce operating costs. Therefore, you want your lighting to be as energy-efficient as possible. Afterall, your lighting is in constant use year-round! Using LED light bulbs might be more expensive at first, but they can last for up to 50,000 hours. If you use your lights for 24 hours a day, that means they can still last you for over 5 years. Additionally, if you’re looking for a certain lighting look, LED lights come in a variety of colors and temperatures, so it is easy to get the look you want. 

Variety of Lighting for Variety of Events

If you have event rooms in your hotel, people might like the ability to change the type of lighting for weddings, graduation parties, and the like, depending on their theme. After all, the mood of a business conference and a wedding are very different — to help please all of your guests, provide them with options like colors and adjustable dimmers. It could be worth your time to create settings for certain common events, like conferences and receptions, to save you and your guests time. 

Another option is the TCP ColorFlip light bulbs. They provide two colors in every style. You can flip these on for a warm light ambiance – then just flip them again to change them to your chosen color!

Natural Lighting

Many hotel conference rooms were purposely designed without windows. This is a strategy to help reduce potential glare from the sunlight. If natural lighting isn’t possible in your event areas, consider using SOLitstic lighting from TCP to make your guests more comfortable. These lightbulbs use an advanced LED chip to mimic natural sunlight and provide bright, high-quality light without glare or harshness. SOListic LED lights are designed to light up a room comfortably while increasing focus, mood, and cognitive performance. 

Many LED lights produce a spike of blue light – something often found in phones and computer screens. We’re exposed to more blue light now than ever before, but too much of it can disrupt sleep, cause eye strain, decrease focus, and increase the risk for depression. When you use SOListic lights, you can help avoid these problems for yourself and your guests.

TCP Lighting Fits Your Hotel Needs

If you need assistance lighting up your hotel, TCP is here to help. Head to our online quote program and see just how easy it is to buy TCP. Simply create your shopping list and we’ll connect you to the best distributor nearby. 

Looking to upgrade your hotel’s lighting, but not sure where to start? TCP can help. Take a look at the Price My Project tool designed for facility managers and owners. We can help you find the solution that’s right for you.

Have questions about specific rooms or sections of your hotel? Contact us today. We’re here to help.

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